Posts Tagged ‘photography’


Photograph New & Interesting Wildlife on Vacation

Play I-Spy on Vacation and Photograph New & Interesting Wildlife that You Find?

One of the things that we love to do is record & learn about the new wildlife that we see. Most of these are when we are on vacation.

Can you find the iguana hiding in this bush?

Photograph Iguana on Vacation

I remember the first time I saw an iguana. I thought they were so fun to watch. Then a friend of ours got one as a pet. He had it so tame it would ride on his shoulder. But of course he had obtained it as a baby.

I was so intrigued with it that I had to have one. We had two iguanas as pets. We had Iggy that lived 13 years and the Paco that lived for 10 year. I could never believe how they would show their personality and they let you know what they wanted.

Finding this iguana on our vacation isn’t new to us but iguanas will always be interesting to us. This one tried to hide camouflaged by the dark branches.

I remember the first time we saw one and fell in love. Our iguana had a short nose and was bright green. If I find my pictures of Iggy or Paco I will post them. It was back in the day that I only had a Commodore computer and no scanner.

A note of warning. A wild iguana can bite. We had one steal a sandwich out of our sons hand on a picnic at Tulum years ago. Iggy our iguana was territorial and got made at my husband for sleeping on the bed during the day. (His sleeping place during the day) and Grabbed onto his arm with his mouth. He didn’t let go. We had to pry his jaw open. He wasn’t hurt by my husband still has a scar. Iggy’s teeth were like razor blades. Always assume a wild animal is wild and unpredictable even when they appear docile or friendly.


Vacation Photograph Coati Mexico

This cute animal is called a Coati. I loved this guy. He had a tail like a monkey, paws & a mask like a raccoon & a nose like an ant eater. He was looking for food that had been left by vacationers. We was very agile. He climbed trees and ran along the walls. We had a good time watching him. He finally found some french fries & then got lucky with a rib bone. Both of which he guarded from the birds and quickly devoured.

We were careful to keep him away from our table where we ate. He was cute but wild animals are unpredictable and not worth taking a chance over.
Vacation Blue Haron Mexico photo






We saw a Mexico Blue Crane or Blue Heron on our walk along a rocky shore. There were also a pod of pelicans. A pod is what a group of pelicans are called. I just learned that. Another little fact for your next trivia game.

Vacation Pod of Pelicans Mexico

For more fun vacation ideas:


Travel Illusion Photography

Another fun thing we like to do is take pictures that look like an optical illusion. This one was in Bryce Canyon. I got low enough with the camera that when Gaylan jumped you couldn’t see the ground.

I took another one of my granddaughter holding a tree. I did extend the trunk of the tree in Photo Shop so it sat in her hand.


Alaska Train Reflective Photography

Traveling on the train to Denali Park a gentleman told us to try reflective photography. I thought that sounded really fun so went outside between the railroad cars. I leaned out over the side of the train and took some shots of both the side of the train and the passing scenery. I really liked the effect. There is always something new to learn.